Friedrich Vorwerk

Friedrich Vorwerk is a leading provider of energy transportation and transformation infrastructure for the gas, electricity and hydrogen markets. The company is a driver of the European clean energy transition and benefits from the growing need to invest in energy infrastructure.

At the end of 2019, Friedrich Vorwerk acquired 100 % of the shares in Bohlen & Doyen Bau GmbH and Bohlen & Doyen Service & Anlagentechnik GmbH. Together with Bohlen & Doyen, Friedrich Vorwerk plans to further increase its growth in the field of pipeline, cable and plant construction for gas and electricity grids.

In 2021, Friedrich Vorwerk ventured onto the stock market and laid the foundation for further extraordinary growth.

Key data

ActivityPipeline and plant construction
MarketsGas and electricity infrastructure
LocationsTostedt, Geeste, Halle (Saale), Hamburg, Herne, Husum, Ludwigsfelde, Marne, Twist, Wiesmoor, Storkow, Skwierzyna (Poland)
Revenue 2023 €373.3 million
Workforce 20231,695
MBB since2019
MBB shareholding49.82%


The entry of MBB in the summer of 2019 enabled a generational change of the company that was founded in 1962 by Friedrich Vorwerk in Tostedt. In addition to MBB, Friedrich Vorwerk's CEO Torben Kleinfeldt holds significant shares in the company.


Bohlen & Doyen


Gottfried Puhlmann


Einhaus Anlagenservice


European Pipeline Services


Vorwerk EEE


Vorwerk ASA


Pipeline und Anlagenservice


Korupp GmbH