Corporate Governance

MBB places great value on good corporate governance. It supports the German Corporate Governance Code as an important instrument for the further development of company management and supervision oriented on the capital market. Our company is committed to responsible corporate management that is focused on a sustainable increase of the enterprise value.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact our Compliance and Complaints Officer: compliance(at)

Directors’ dealings

The latest announcements on directors’ dealings

18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 52 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 54 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 66 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 61 KB


18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 52 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 54 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 66 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 61 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 61 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 54 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 52 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 64 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 52 KB
18/11/2024 Directors‘ Dealings
PDF; 51 KB

Archive Directors' Dealings

Notice on voting rights


Further Documents

Satzung MBB SE PDF; 0,3MB
Geschäftsordnung des Verwaltungsrates PDF; 0,6MB
Vergütungssystem der Geschäftsführenden Direktoren PDF; 0,1MB
Total number of voting rights (according to Article 41 of the WpHG) PDF; 0,1MB
Code of Conduct PDF; 0,1MB
Rules of Procedure for the Complaint System according to LkSG PDF; 0,1MB